How to Write a Sportsbook Article

Gambling Apr 22, 2023


A sportsbook is a place where people can make bets on a variety of different sporting events. Most books accept wagers on major professional games like football, basketball, and baseball but some also offer bets on collegiate events and non-professional sports.

Cover a Sport You Know Well

As a sports writer, you should know the ins and outs of the game you’re covering so that you can write about it in a way that will interest your readers. For example, if you cover a baseball game and don’t know the difference between a sand wedge from a 5-iron, your readers will quickly lose interest.

Use Description and Emotion

As you write a sports article, try to make your writing vivid so that readers can connect with the action of the sport. For example, if you’re profiling a team that’s experiencing its first season without a star player, you can tell the story of their forging a new identity by using vivid detail.

Give Your Readers Concrete Data

As with any other form of writing, readers expect concrete data about their favorite teams and players. This includes statistics such as team records, averages, and average goals scored per game, among others. However, be careful not to overdo the use of jargon or technical terms that are specific to a particular sport.

Get to Know Your Readers

As a sports writer, you should be aware that most of your readers will be fans of the sport you’re covering. Whether you’re covering a high school soccer match or an interview with a pro golfer, your readers should see that you’re as passionate about the sport as they are.